Monday, May 10, 2010

my new life

It actually feels like I have a new life.

I feel better more often. I have been having the occasional illegal food item now and then, and usually feel some variation of gross after. but have been finding out that some things are better than others.
but not by small amounts. by leaps and bounds.

Cheezies. Make me crampy. like raging cramps that hurt and make me want to cry a bit.

Rye toast and honey - pretty OK. perhaps a bit gassy.

Rice crackers and goat cheese. - zero ill effect. but its not a bad food, its all allowable. perhaps not in the quantities I consume it. but it really is a HUGE treat.  I LOVE goat cheese.

Cheese cake [ bought a small individual one from safeway]  YUM and i felt fine after.

2 slices of kraft singles cheese on rye toast.
[ I had only 2 slices left in my fridge from before all this.... ]
 - incredibly bloated and gassy and uncomfortable for quite a long time after. like HOURS and HOURS

Fresh strawberries, cut up and served with Chocolate Almond breeze 'milk' - super delicious and no problems because both items are on the allowed list.

 I have found that even one beer, makes me wake up with dry mouth that can only be compared to an attempt at sucking the moisture out of desert sand. and seemingly no amount of water can help me cure it.

when I eat bad things, my tonsils get very angry and inflamed and large and sore.  but will calm right back down [with in a day] if I cease the bad food.

somethings make me very snotty and phlem-y but i haven't nailed down exactly what it is yet.

I pretty much have to get up middle of the night to pee, every night. but blame it on the water intake.

I taste things more. like taste sensitivity has sky rocketed. Prior to all this, Tap water tasted like water. bottled water tasted like water. there wasn't a huge difference. subtle maybe, but not anything big.   NOW?  omg. tap water is bordering on gross. I taste the processing? the chemicals? the chlorine. whatever it is, i taste it all. and wondering what i should do about it. Britta? by the big jugs of water? get an on tap filter?

Making a bowl of steamed veggies and lentils for lunch doesn't seem weird now. or forced.
I always have veggies in my fridge, before I rarely did.
i dont miss meat as much as i thought I would. Even though I can eat it, i find I rarely do.

my clothes that fit tightly, fall off me now, and i MUST use a belt.

i knew, without a doubt, that 2010 would bring change. I did not know in what form.

i'm thinking this is it... this is was had to happen.

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