Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I find it a bit funny that i am more motivated by the pain of exercise then the feel good factor after. This weekend i went on a hike to Mt Yamnuska with my friend. We took the hard "climbers" route and not the family hiking route. No, we dont know why, seemed like a good idea at the time.  It was hard. very very hard.

and steep.

and rocky

and rock slide-y

and I have bruises on my butt cheeks as I found out last night. from the times when i was too tired to go on and had to sit on one of the rocks. which were very sharp.

the whole ordeal took 4.5 hours. of intense work. the whole time. because on the way down we encountered thigh deep snow on several occasions and had to slip and slide and toboggan on our butts to get down.

good thing it was +17  *C outside.

We got to the car and enjoyed a deliciously, epic beverage. Lychee sparkling beverage from Superstore. if you have not had it. go buy some. you will not be disappointed.

We hurt. well i hurt. I am sure she did to. But i FOR SURE hurt. and I felt like I would willingly do it all again the next day, even though i doubted being able to walk the next day.

 The next day we went swim suit shopping. funny, trying on swim suits when it is hard to even bend over.  i was in continuous search for a one peice.  and low and behold, I found one.

it was the one I brought in that was the most unlikely in my mind.

looks like an old lady cougar suit. because it is a halter top neck, that has a split all the way to my belly button i the front. thats right.. allllll the way down.

and it has a sash around the hips. and big square shiny things on it. and its Black and white polka dots.

sounds delightful. I know. in a trashy sort of way.

 but then I put it on, and wow. it gives me a figure which is not quite there when I look in the mirror. and it makes me look tall and sleek and fit. and I am kind of not these days.

and i could wear this swimsuit and feel 10 lbs lighter. which makes me think that most people would then do nothing because it gives them the look they want.

 but i feel oppositely... if I look good in this ta my current weight... how good can i look 10 - 15 lbs lighter.

 and so the motivation comes from the pain of hiking, and finding a glorious swim suit that makes me look where I actually want to be.

is that weird?

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