Thursday, June 18, 2009

something new

i was reading Advice Smackdown

 and today it was about Milia

which I had to google.

 and turns out i have it to!

 i just didn't know there was an official name for it. but now I can tell people.

or not.

but i have it.

 and i jab at them with pins.

even ones on my eye lids [ that are rare anyways]

 I get them mostly on my cheek bones and under my eyes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

feeling uneasily OK

Its a crazy time. Torn between fear and confidence.

I am fearful that at any given day, my life would be tossed upside down.

But I am taking steps, no matter how small, to ensure that I will come out on top.

Multiple streams of income.

I have a career job. I work at it every day. It pays my bills. Its my life line.

But i have other little lines floating, with bobbers, so i can always find them, they may not keep me afloat, but they will keep me from drowning, I know they will help me find my way

I have a part time job at a golf course. I only started, but it'll add a bit extra / month to the dwindling bank account.

I started a home based Business. I am not putting all my eggs in this basket yet. but I am hoping that with time and effort. it'll pay my bills. so i dont have to rely on the career.

Maybe one day the Real Estate Market will even turn around. and I can profit there too.

 here's to hoping.