Thursday, April 1, 2010

What happens when you pay attention

you start to notice things you didnt before.  Or see things you chose to ignore.

I am starting an extreme Naturopathic diet on Monday. To fix my insides. My digestion has never been amazing.  its time to do something about it.

 more on what i was told later.

 for now.


Big Mac Meal.

11:47 am.

It was good. damn good.  its part of my eat anything i want that crap until monday whe i have to start this diet.

I liked it. I skipped most of the fries, but ate the whole burger and drank almost all of the cola.

By the time I got back to the office [ work] I was hot, sweating even.  behind the knees, armpits and inside of my elbows.   My face felt hot and my lower back was starting to bead.

 I would have taken off my sweater to cool off, but I only have a tank top on underneath and didn't feel it appropriate for the office.  My feet were hot too and i dreamed of taking off my shoes.

but my feet sweat. and so was worried they may smell already so i didn't.

Enter in the flushing.  my face is red.  visibly. and my neck and forearms and armpits are itchy.

so are the top of my feet now that i think about it.

 its currently 3:00 pm.... and i am still reacting to the big mac.

 I have no doubt thats what it is. zero doubt.

my cheeks, still hot, feel a bit puffy as well,  if i really sit and think about it.

if I didn't think about it, I'd just pass it off to the office being wonky and someone messing with the thermostat. but no one has said its hot in here today. and everyone still has sweaters on.  so its just me.

me and my big mac.

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