Monday, April 5, 2010

.... and I talk about poo

"Are you high?"

This weekend was pretty random to say the least.  I started the herbal supplements on Thursday. They are all pretty much to help me produce healthy stomach bacteria.

My insides have been less than healthy for quite some time. I have never been one to have regular bowel movements. few times a week at best for a while now.

I've come to a point where i am sick of the side effects.  the lethargy, tiredness, lack of energy, bloating, gas, you name it.

I am dumping my toxic load.

now... this is all personal speculation.... but it seems reasonable, and explainable.

I started the herbals on Thursday evening.

They are meant to help my body purge the toxins. By way of healthy bacterial balance. so the toxin purging started on Thursday,.... but the first toxic 'dump' if you will,  did not happen until Saturday around lunch time.

so.. you wonder... what happens when your organs are dumping toxins, but your body is not dumping anything....

 you get high.

 its the only way I can explain it.

 I was bat shit crazy all day on Friday and Sat morning until I had that first 'dump'

I found that I could not find words to make simple sentences. complete and utter lack of focus. I had the attention span of an aphid. I said random things.

to subway guy when he asked what I wanted: " hey, whats up " [ everybody laughed]

I found almost everything insanely funny.  to the point where i would still be laughing about it 10 - 15 - 20 min later. even by myself.

The subject of wiener water [ hot dog soup? ] came up and I lost it for a while. Tears streaming hysterics.

I could barely focus on a game of cards and had to repeatedly ask what suit was Trump.

Hypersensitivity to everything.  the elastic of my pants, the texture of the chap stick. the feel of the cushion beneath my behind. Everything.

it was somewhat euphoric. but i was to air-headed to even really enjoy it.

i had an insanely overheated sleep on Friday night.  half woke up wondering why my shirt was wet, but fell back asleep before consciousness.

Saturday morning I asked for help cutting veggies cuz I knew that me and a knife wouldn't work out well.

 Then I pooped. and I was fine.

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