Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I hadn't realized it fully until I read it in my book.

This first week is completely vegan.

I had always thought that Vegan-ism would be really hard. and that I'd be hungry all the time.

its not as hard as i figured. but perhaps that due to me having a book that is telling what to eat each meal.

i am definitely not hungry.  In fact I often find myself forcing down the last bit of breakfast.  Because its a lot more filling that I expected.

Oh and an update.....

 That whole I am feeling awesome post from yesterday afternoon... was short lived.
I felt awesome for less than an hour.   and then it was followed with a big wave of SACK OF HAMMERS.


Flax seed oil has quite a pleasant taste.   I was a bit worried as I am supposed to have a tablespoon each day at breakfast.  Straight up oil.   It was quite easy to take. BIG RELIEF.


  1. ooo, good to know about the flax seed oil. Seen any improvements?

  2. i felt pretty good today, but think its too early to tell if i can credit the flax seed oil


Nastiness will be deleted.