Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have had 4 pairs of jeans in my closet since the fall of 2007.  I was smaller back then, thinner after spending the summer participating in bootcamps to get in shape.
I went shopping.  and bought 4 pairs of [expensive] jeans that fit then. as they were supposed to. then....

there is one pair I never wore before i gained too much weight to fit into them.

other pairs, i wore maybe once.  maybe twice.  but no more.

and they have been sitting in the back of my closet ever since.   i didn't have the heart to get rid of them.  i couldn't part with them.

 i put them on [ tried to] several times over the years.   but they were too tight.  they were uncomfortable to stand in, even more uncomfortable to sit in, and gave me the dreaded muffin top over my waist line.  I couldn't do it. so i bought some different jeans.  my 'fat' jeans so to speak... always hoping I could wear my awesome expensive small jeans...

well if you haven't figured out where this is going yet....


it didn't occur to me to try them on until now.  but i know I am smaller now... and only headed in the same direction.

[ and they are all still in style... as jeans styles dont change that much, especially not the style I like]... cuz I know 2.5 yrs of dust, could mean an outdated style... but thats not the case.

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