Monday, April 5, 2010

detox diet - day 1 so far

Breakfast was ok.  I ate an apple and some quinoa and a date and a cup of what I will call "Veggie Tea"

The Date was without a doubt my favorite part.

I didnt have any flax seed oil on hand or Grapefruit juice.  Those will be added tomorrow after my trip to the grocery store tonight.

mid morning snack - 1/2 an apple.   It was good.  the other 1/2 is browning on my desk, waiting for me to eat it mid afternoon.  I can hardly wait i tell you.

slow on the water uptake, [ goal 3 L ]  but thats probably cuz I have to pee every 2 seconds and am subconciously trying to make that happen less.

Lunch - steamed veggies. Potatoes, carrots and brocolli.  I am allowed to season with oil and vinegar, or lemon juice.  but i forgot. so they are plain. steamed. thats it.

they are OK.  Taste like veggies. I am bad at chewing.. i dont chew nearly enough.  so i am focusing on chewing.  makes the veggies more juicy.  but also more monotonous.

I haven't had any physical sugar cravings today.  but i have had a few psychological ones.
makes me wonder if they are all psychological.....

20.5 days to go.

will it get easier? or harder?

I am not sure which day I suspect will be the worst.  but I am guessing it'll fall in week ONE.

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